Why don’t my students see their books?

Students must be enrolled in a class in order to view their books. To help you get started, we've included the instructions on how to create a class and assign textbook content.



  1. Sign in to your MyCL account. (https://www.carnegielearning.com/login)

  2. From the MyCL portal page, launch into Teacher's Toolkit.

  3. From the Teacher's Tookit home page, select Create New Class.

  4. Check the eText/PDF box and select Continue.

  5. Complete the Instructor, Class Name, Start Date, and End Date fields and select Continue

  6. Check the course materials that need assigned to the class.

  7. Select the method in which you'd like to add students to the class.

  8. Once you've added students to the class, you will be presented with a view that displays all of the students that you've enrolled. You can also add additional students at this time if needed. Select Save & Finish.

  9. You will be presented with a confirmation window, letting you know that your class has been saved. Selecting OK will redirect you to the Class Details page for the class.

  10. Provide students with their usernames so that they can set their password, sign in, and view eText materials.