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Every topic has an End of Topic Assessment, and longer topics will also include a Mid-topic Assessment. The assessments are one component of the Learning Together resources located in the Lesson Materials. 


Every assessment is available in pdf version and digital version.

It is also very important to note that student assessments are only visible to students after teachers have assigned them. Once students have completed the assessment, they must submit it to the teacher for grading.

Both the print and digital assessments consist of multiple choice items, and the digital version is graded automatically. Teachers have the option of assigning different students the appropriate printable or digital version of the same assessment, so each teacher has the flexibility to use the assessment that best fits his or her balance of face-to-face and remote learning. 

Every item on the assessments is TEKS-aligned to a student expectation, and student performance can be reported out by student expectation at both the individual and class level.