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Creating an Engaged and Productive MATHia Classroom

MATHia’s progress monitoring and formative assessment capability captures student growth as they learn, giving you real-time insight, so you have more time to do what you do best- Work 1:1 with your students. Below are some ideas for seamlessly integrating MATHia into your lesson plans.

Preparing the Learning Environment

  • Set up seats to allow teacher access to support and monitor student learning.
  • Set up seats to allow access for peer support.
  • Create and maintain routines/procedures to maximize the time students actively work in MATHia.
  • Establish class norms for what productive student conduct looks and sounds like during a MATHia lesson day.
  • Print MATHia Progress Trackers for your students. Log in to your MyCL account prior to following the link below.

MATHia Progress Trackers


Preparing to Facilitate a MATHia Day

  • Have a plan for how you will promote the benefits of MATHia to your students.
    • Your voice and choice of words are crucial to student buy-in.
    • Introduce MATHia by focusing on what it will do for your students.
      • MATHia empowers students to set their own pace to take ownership of their learning.
      • MATHia gives your students the right amount of practice they need to master each skill.
      • MATHia tracks student progress against fine-grained skills to deliver the right content at the right time.
      • The work students are doing in MATHia continually supports their work in MATHbook.
      • MATHia mirrors a human tutor (step-by-step problems, sample problems, hints), providing students with support when needed.
      • MATHia workspaces are aligned to the lessons in MATHbook, providing additional support for students working on mastering the lesson standards. 
  • Have a plan for how you will monitor and celebrate student success in MATHia.

    • What do you want to see from students as they work through MATHia?
    • Will you monitor individual goals? How will you celebrate when students obtain their goals?
    • Will you monitor class or school goals? How will you celebrate when those goals are achieved?
    • Is there a district goal? How will your district celebrate success?
  • Set students up for success.

    • When you plan class time to work in MATHia, ensure your routines reflect a typical lesson day (opening activity, closing activity, time for reflection, etc.).
    • Keep learning focused on mastery learning by keeping student learning in MATHia individualized and self-paced.
    • Assist students in using the progress bar/Skillometer to self-monitor their progress.
    • Support learning by interacting with students as they are working in MATHia.
    • Redirect students to use the assistance features in MATHia before providing them with direct teacher support.
    • Share data from the MATHia reports with individual students to help them evaluate their progress.
    • Connect MATHia problems to classroom experiences, prior knowledge, real-world experiences, tools, and/or technology.
  • Utilize LiveLab to identify students in need of additional support instantly. 

    • Using LiveLab on the first class day students work in MATHia helps them see you value their progress.
    • Check LiveLab for Working vs. idle students.
    • Check LiveLabProductive vs. unproductive students.
    • Monitor LiveLab for At-risk students.
    • Use the “group by workspace” feature to partner with students so they can lean on each other for support.

Facilitation and Time Management

  • If you plan to teach part of a lesson and work in MATHia during the same class period, consider starting with MATHia rather than ending with MATHia. It is easier to stop MATHia to begin another activity than to stop in the middle of your lesson.
  • Plan for at least 20 minutes of MATHia work time and no more than 25-30 minutes in one class period. An entire 45-minute (or longer) class period of MATHia work time can be overwhelming and discouraging for struggling students.
  • Convey to students that MATHia isn’t just computer time. Instead, MATHia is a lesson in itself, providing examples, animations, exploration opportunities, and individualized practice.
  • Individual practice does not mean independent practice. As students work in MATHia, allow them to collaborate with other students on a problem-by-problem basis. Even when receiving support from others, students will still receive individualized practice within their MATHia profile.
  • Knowledge builds upon knowledge. You provide time for spaced review as students work through MATHia at their own pace. It is entirely acceptable for students to be working in different workspaces. Use this time to place students in small groups that you can support during MATHia lesson days. 
  • When planning time for MATHia during a multiple-day lesson, consider moving class time for MATHia to the second day of the lesson. This allows you time to introduce the new material before students encounter it in MATHia. Then, identify and work with struggling students before completing the lesson on the third day.

Setting Clear Expectations

  • Show visual steps if students get stuck and need assistance (The Power of MATHia Hints)
  • Review voice levels and voice level expectations
  • Display Student routines and discuss with students
  • Set expectations for how students should communicate with the teacher during the class period
  • Review small group expectations
  • Celebrate success