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Roster Management System

In this article, we cover the basics for utilizing a roster management system to create classes and user accounts for Carnegie Learning’s Texas Math Solution. For additional support, please email



To get started with Carnegie Learning’s Texas Math Solution with Clever connection, follow the steps below to set-up your classes and accounts.

  1. Accept the request received from Carnegie Learning.

  2. Verify that teachers’ email addresses have been uploaded to Clever.

  3. Create and save sharing rules to provide Carnegie Learning with the necessary roster data.

    Please Note:  To adhere with student data privacy policies, sharing rules should be set-up for only the Middle & High Schools and Classes that will be utilizing Carnegie Learning’s Texas Math Solution resources.  
  4. Teachers should not manually upload students or make classes as this will all be done automatically for them

  5. Any manually-created students and classes will need to occur before the import for your schools. 



To get started with Carnegie Learning’s Texas Math Solution with Classlink connection, follow the steps below to set-up your classes and accounts.

  1. Set up your One Roster server to connect with the app named MyCL – Carnegie Learning. 

  2. Verify that teachers’ email addresses have been uploaded to ClassLink.

  3. Create and save sharing rules to provide Carnegie Learning with the necessary roster data.

    Please Note:  To adhere with student data privacy policies, sharing rules should be set-up for only the Middle & High Schools and Classes that will be utilizing Carnegie Learning’s Texas Math Solution resources. If you need help with making the connection or filtering your data, please contact ClassLink technical support.

Carnegie Learning will notify when your teacher and student accounts have been imported from ClassLink, At that time, you will follow the below steps to set-up the SSO so that users can log in. To do this, use the ClassLink Management Console:

  1. In the left navigation panel, select Applications

  2. Then select Add & Assign Apps 

  3. Then select the App Library button

  4. Search for "MATHia & Math Solutions – Carnegie Learning" and click Add

  5.  Scroll through your apps list to find the MATHia app and click Assign to select groups of users.