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Getting Started with MATHia

In this article we cover the absolute basics of MATHia, to get you started. We've outlined your first three weeks using the software, as well as included teaching stategies to get you started on the right foot. 

Download the Educator MATHia Getting Started Guide

materials to send home

  1. Student Getting Started Guide
  2. Using Carnegie Learning textbooks & MATHia? Click here to download the parent letter to send home with students.
  3. Only using MATHia? Click here to download the parent letter to send home with students.


Your First Three Weeks with the Software Solution



View and share these math lab learning logs with your students.

As you start off the year, you'll want to set expectations for students should be completing in MATHia. Watch the video to find out more.

Time Frame Students Teacher
  • Report any computer issues to the teacher immediately
  • Talk softly only to ask a question or assist another student
  • Use sample problems  and interactive examples before asking for assistance
  • Work only on the assigned material
  • Complete Lab Learning Log
  • Work through the software as a student (outside of lab time)
  • Actively monitor students in the lab
  • Post Standards in the room/lab
  • Have a meaningful prompt for the Lab Learning Log
  • Read completed Learning Logs
  • Conference with students about their progress in the software using
  • Detailed Student Reports (about 1–2 minutes per student, about 5–6 students per day)
  • Turn in completed Lab Learning Log on designated day
  • Record time, etc., on Lab Learning Log after conferencing with teacher
  • Run Detailed Student Reports to assign grades
  • Run Class APLSE Report and post for students to monitor their progress or create a Lab Chart


Instructional Framework Students' Responsibilities Teachers' Responsibility


Log on to the computer and log into the software

  • Log in to the LiveLab

• Monitor students to make sure they are logging in correctly

• Return Lab Learning Logs

• Record attendance

Work Period

• 2 days a week

  • Work through assigned units

Monitor students for:

• Off-task behavior

• Errors in the software

• Conference with students about

progress in the software

• Discuss time/problems solved/


• Share reports with students

weekly or bi-weekly


• Write in Lab Learning Logs

• Use electronic versions of Lab Learning Log

• Determine what you want students

to complete in the Lab Learning Log

• Read Lab Learning Logs to see

where students are, what they are

thinking, and what kind of progress

they are making