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Gradebook & Course Report Now Show Point Breakdown

As part of our continuous improvements, we’ve updated the Gradebook’s and Course Report’s functionality to show the points awarded out of the total points available for each assignment.

  1. From an Assignment card, click Gradebook.

  2. You are now at the Gradebook Summary screen for that particular assignment.

  3. Hovering over the percentage for a particular student in the Grade column will show the Points (total awarded / total available).

    Note: You can also access the Points from the Details tab.

  4. Additionally, you can now see the Points from the Course Report.

    Click View Report for the class you are interested in reviewing, then click Details.

  5. You are now viewing the Course Report - Class Detail (By Student) screen.

    Note: You will want to Hide Content without grades, and then expand the list until you locate the assignment you are interested in reviewing.

  6. Hovering over the percentage for a particular student will show the Points (total awarded / total available) for that assignment.

    Note: You can also access the Points by clicking on a particular student’s link, which takes you to the Course Report for that student, and then hovering over the percentage for the assignment row under that student’s column (not the Class Average column).