Click here to sample the Texas Math Solution!

How the TXMS Supports the STAAR Redesign

The Texas Math Solution (TXMS) and MATHia work in parallel to engage students with various learning experiences they need to truly understand middle and high school mathematics.  The TXMS (Learning Together) is a record of student thinking, reasoning, and problem solving which includes a variety of problem types to actively engage and challenge students. Activities are sequenced to ensure investigation, classification, worked examples, peer analysis, and real-world and mathematical problem-solving. MATHia (Learning Individually) is a guide for students as they learn and practice key mathematical concepts and skills. MATHia’s purpose is to coach and tutor students alongside you as they learn, practice, do, and look forward. The work students are doing in MATHia continually supports their work in the TXMS.

Carnegie Learning recognizes that students come to you with varying background knowledge. Both the TXMS and MATHia build on student strengths by providing a variety of question types within the student practice problems. Below are descriptions and examples of each problem type from both the Learning Together and Learning Individually portion of the TXMS. 


The Carnegie Learning MATHia software engages students in a variety of question types through its powerful adaptive software and 1:1 approach to mathematics. The Carnegie Learning Texas Math Solution supports educators in preparing their students for the newly redesigned STAAR assessment by leveraging MATHia for formative assessments. Click the new STAAR question type below to see a video example of a correlating MATHia workspace question. 


Question Type Question Type Description Video Example
Equation Editor Student can write responses in the form of fractions, expressions, equations, or inequalities


Text Entry Student responds by typing a brief string of text such as a number, word, or phrase.


Graphing Student selects points, draws lines, drags bar graphs, and performs other functions to independently create different types of graphs.


Number Line Student selects a point, an open or closed circle, and a direction arrow to demonstrate a solution set on a number line.


Inline Choice Student selects the correct answer(s) from one or more drop-down menu(s).


Hot Spot Student responds by selecting one or more specific areas of a graphic.


Drag & Drop Student evaluates a given number of options (words, numbers, symbols, etc.) and chooses which response(s) to drag to a given area (diagram, map, chart, etc.)


Match Table Grid Student matches statements or objects to different categories presented in a table grid.


Multiselect Student can select more than one answer from a set of possible answers.