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Importing Students in Teacher’s Toolkit

You can add students to your school manually or by importing their data from a comma or tab delimited file (CSV).

Download a sample Student Import Template .csv file here. 

Use the Add screen to manually add students to a school by typing in their information across the row. The required fields are Last Name, First Name, and Username. Usernames must be unique. You can differentiate students who share the same first and last name by adding their middle initials to their first names.

  • From the username format drop-down menu, you can set your preference for how usernames should be generated as student information is entered.
  • Use the arrows to sort the students by the column of your choice.
  • Usernames are required for students to log in to the software. You will need to share usernames with your students prior to their first session on the software.

Use the Import screen to import students from a comma or tab delimited file (CSV).

Select the file containing student names. Because the first five fields in the file will be imported, you should make sure that your file has the right fields in the right order.