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Item & Assignment Level Buttons Added to Standards Report

As part of our continuous improvements, we’ve updated the Standards Report - Student Details to include the capability to look at Item Level Scores or Assignment Level Scores.


  1. Navigate to the Standards Report - Class Detail (By Student) screen for the class whose details you are interested in reviewing.

  2. Expand the standards list and navigate to the standard (row) you would like to review. Click View for that standard row.

  3. You are now viewing the Standards Report - Student Details screen for the selected standard.

  4. From the Standards Report - Student Details screen, you can now access the Item Level Scores and Assignment Level Scores tabs.

  5. When selecting the Item Level Scores tab, the data displayed will be aligned at the item level.

    Hovering over an image card at the top of a column will bring up a popup detailing the course, lesson material, and item number associated with that particular column score.

    Note: Here we are hovering over the second image card. This tells us that both students scored 100% on Question 3 of the Digital Interactive End of Topic 1 Assessment.

  6. When selecting the Assignment Level Scores tab, the data displayed will be aligned at the assignment level.

    Hovering over an image card will bring up a popup detailing the course and lesson material associated with that particular column score.

    Note: Here we are hovering over the first image card. This tells us that Demo Student G6 01 scored 83% on the entire Digital Interactive End of Topic 1 Assessment, while Demo Student G6 02 scored 100%.