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June 2021 Release Notes

What’s New? 

Aggregate Gradebook

Platform Accessibility

District Level Reports



Aggregate Gradebook 

To make it easier for teachers to navigate to different assignments for a topic, a button ‘All Assignments’ has been added in the assignment gradebook. Clicking on it will take you to a screen which will list all the past assignments of that particular curriculum component.



Clicking on ‘All Assignments’ button will take you to a screen which will list all the past assignments of that particular curriculum component.



Platform Accessibility

In an effort to make our platform more accessible, we have made some changes to the color of the buttons and other parts of the platform. These changes are as recommended by WCAG 2.0 and WCAG 2.1 accessibility guidelines.

The color used to represent that the student is on a particular question is a shade of violet as demonstrated by question number 1 in the screenshot below.

The questions which are not selected will have a black button with a white question number.

When the student has answered the question and clicked on the ‘Save Answer’ button and moved to another question, the former question button will turn to a shade of navy blue as demonstrated by question number 1 in the screenshot below.


District Level Reports

To view District Level Course Performance and Usage Reports, navigate to the Reports Tab. 

From here, click on “View Report” in the section labeled Course Report.

The Performance Report will come up as the default option. Select the course you would like to view from the drop-down “Course” menu. Your course will appear in the options below.

Click the course to expand to view your district-level data.

To view the Usage Report, click on the “Usage (minutes)” Button, next to the Performance button. From there, select the course you would like to view the usage in. If you would like to toggle between Performance and Usage, simply click the buttons as you wish to view each report. 



A print button is now made available on the student level reports.