November 2021 Release Notes
What's New?
We’ve updated how Usage data is recorded and accessible within the Gradebook.
Usage (minutes) are now rounded up when greater than or equal to 30 seconds and rounded down when less than 30 seconds. For example, if a student spends 1 minute 32 seconds on a question, it will now be reported as 2 minutes.
You can view the actual amount of time a student spends on a question (or standard) by hovering over the Usage (minutes) value listed.
Note that this update applies to both the Course Report and Standards Report.
- From the Course Report - Class Summary, click Details.
- You are now viewing the Course Report - Class Detail (By Student). Click the Usage (minutes) button.
- You are now viewing the Usage (minutes) details By Student.
Note: In addition to seeing the minutes per student, you are also able to see the Class Average usage.
- Hover over any of the Usage (minutes) values to access a popup that displays the actual amount of time spent on a particular assignment.
Note: For the indicated student, the actual amount of time spent on the Digital Interactive End of Topic 1 Assessment was 4 minutes 14 seconds, which was rounded down to the displayed 4 minutes.
- You can continue drilling down to a specific student by clicking on their initials, which brings you to that student’s individual Course Report. From there, you can view their Usage (minutes) details for each assignment and see how it compares to the Class Average.
Note: Hovering over any Usage (minutes) value will again provide the actual amount of time spent on a particular assignment.
- The same Usage (minutes) updates can be found on the Standards Report.
From the Standards Report - Class Summary, you’d again click Details. Then from the Standards Report - Class Detail (By Student), you would click the Usage (minutes) button.
With the standards expanded, you can scroll to see each student’s Usage (minutes) details for each of the standards, as well as the Class Average.
Hovering over the Usage (minutes) values will again provide the actual amount of time spent on a particular standard.
Note: If you click on an individual student’s initials, you will be brought to that student’s Standards Report and will be able to view their Usage (minutes) details.
We've updated the Standards Report - Class Detail (By Student) screen to show a Details column. The Details column replaces the previous Taken and Remaining columns.
Be advised that the Details column has been designed to more clearly show where each of the standards is being covered within the Lesson Materials, even down to the question level.
- From the Standards Report - Class Detail (By Student) screen, and with the standards expanded, you will now see the Details column along with “View” hyperlinks.
Note: There are View hyperlinks at both the top-level rows and specific standard rows. Clicking View for top-level rows only provides general information (e.g., Student First/Last Name, Avg Score: always N/A, and Assignments: always 0). You will want to focus on the specific standard rows.
- Click View for a standard row.
- You are now viewing the Standards Report - Student Details for that particular standard.
- From the Standards Report - Student Details screen, you will see the specific standard being covered along with rows for each student in the class.
Note: For each row, it provides the student’s First/Last Name, Avg Score, Assignments, and the actual grade (percentage) achieved on each instance of the standard.
Note: Each of the icons represents one instance of the standard. This could be a complete Lesson or a specific question from an Assessment. You can hover over the icon to determine where the standard is being covered.
Note: Hovering over the second icon results in a popup that shows that the standard is covered in the Grade 6 Texas Math Solution: 21-22 course, Digital Interactive End of Topic 1 Assessment, Question #3.
Additionally, if you click on the icon, it will bring up a popup for that particular lesson material, which can be opened or assigned.
We've updated the coloring for top-level summary rows in the Course Reports to distinguish them more easily from the lesson material assignments.
- From the Course Report - Class Summary, you will notice that all top-level summary rows (Course, Module, Topic) are now a shade darker than assignment rows and the Proficiency Key.
Note: In our example, we are only showing the variance in color for Near Proficient. Please note that there are color variances between the top-level and assignment rows for all proficiency level colors.
- You will also see the color change on the Course Report - Class Detail (By Student).
- Finally, the color change also pertains to the individual student Course Reports.