Texas Math Solution Webinar Series
Carnegie Learning is excited to launch the Texas Math Solution Webinar series! Working closely with our Professional Learning Team, Customer Success, and Product Team,we have developed an exciting Webinar series to support you in your implementation and execution of the Texas Math Solution.
Please join us at the following sessions:
Tuesday, October 26, 2021: Instructional Design & Pacing
Tuesday, December 14, 2021: Supporting Students of Special Populations
All webinars begin at 4:30 PM CST
Instructional Design & Pacing Recommendations
It’s exciting and challenging to implement a new curriculum! Our team has intentionally designed and customized every component of the Texas Math Solution to support high quality mathematics instruction. With this fully blended curriculum at your fingertips for the first time ever, it’s to be expected that you’re grappling with pacing decisions. You might be wondering:
How do we balance a full year of instructional materials with the reality of our school year calendar?
How do we teach everything without cutting standards and without cutting MATHia?
How can district leaders support teachers with making year-long pacing decisions?
What are important considerations for teachers as they make day-to-day pacing decisions?
Join Sami Briceño, our Senior Content Lead, to gain insight into how you can prioritize key program components and fundamental mathematics concepts AND also preserve the instructional design of the Texas Math Solution to give your students the most impactful learning experiences possible.
Date: October 26, 2021
Time: 4:30 - 5:30 PMCST
Supporting Students of Special Populations
More information for this Webinar is forthcoming. We cannot wait to expand the narrative around supporting our special population students in the classroom and how the strategies to use while implementing the Texas Math Solution.