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Logging into the Texas Math Solution

Welcome to Carnegie Learning's Texas Math Solution (TXMS). We are so glad you are here! This article will help you understand how to log in to the Carnegie Learning platform (called MyCL) to access your full suite of Texas Math Solution materials.

Select Customer Sign-in to log in with your Carnegie Learning credentials.

You and your district should already be onboarded by one of our Customer Success managers. After that meeting, you received your Carnegie Learning username. You will be able to log in, in one of two ways:

  • For Classlink and Clever users, you will be able to use Single Sign-On to log in to your account. For more help logging in see the article Teacher Login for MyCL - Single Sign-On.

  • For manually rostered districts, you will receive a link from your district administrators and will be prompted to create a password for your MyCL account. For more help loggin in, see the article Teacher Login for MyCL

If you do not have a Carnegie Learning login, please reach out to our Help Desk by clicking on Chat With an Expert in the bottom right hand corner of the Support Center OR you can email our account directly for assistance.