The National Institute: central
Long + Live + Math
Omni PGA Frisco Resort
July 8 - 11, 2024
- Carnegie Learning MS/HS Implementation Level I
- Carnegie Learning MS/HS Implementation Level II
- Carnegie Learning MS/HS Implementation Level III
- ClearMath Elementary Implementation
- Differentiation
- Diversity
- Elementary Math Instruction
- High School Math Instruction
- Leadership
- Middle School Math Instruction
- Purposeful Coaching
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Student-Centered Instruction
- Supporting Multilingual Learners
- Technology and AI in the Classroom
Navigating Carnegie Learning: Your Gateway to Educational Resources
[Session A: Tuesday - 10:30 AM-12:00 PM]
New to Carnegie Learning and preparing to use their resources next year? Join this session for insights into the instructional approach and available resources for you and your students, ensuring a successful start to the academic year.
Participants will be able to:- Apply the core of Carnegie Learning's instructional approach, recognizing the blend of a student lesson and the MATHia software.
- Identify and utilize resources outlined for teachers in the Teacher Implementation Guide.
Live Learning: A Front-Row Experience with Lessons in Action
[Session B: Tuesday - 1:15 PM - 2:45 PM]
Put on both your student and teacher hats for this session! Immerse yourself in a Carnegie Learning demonstration lesson as a student to grasp the classroom atmosphere. Later, switch to your teacher hat to analyze the facilitator's role, teacher moves, and their impact on student learning.
Participants will be able to:- Reflect on the outcomes of different teacher facilitation strategies and their influence on student learning.
- Build your desired atmosphere for your Carnegie Learning classroom.
Unleashing the Power of MATHia Reports: Data-Drive Motivation for Student Successs
[Session C: Wednesday 8:45 AM- 10:15 AM]
Uncover the insights within MATHia reports, and let's transform that data into lively and meaningful conversations with our students in the classroom!
Participants will be able to:- Understand the purpose and data of all MATHia reports available to educators.
- Utilize the insights gained from reports to impact and enhance student success with MATHia.
MATHia Celebration: Igniting Learning Excitement with Dynamic Software!
[Session D: Wednesday - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM ]
New to ClearMath Elementary? Come play, think, and learn together with Carnegie Learning’s new core math elementary product! We will explore strategies that build on students’ natural intellectual curiosity, using play and student discourse to build conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, and productive habits of mind.
Participants will be able to:- Re-imagine the math classroom as a place where meaningful play taps into young learners’ curiosity and ignites a joy of learning.
- Create formative assessment from the Carnegie Learning resources.
- Reflect on the essential skills and abilities we aim for elementary students to cultivate
Unified Lesson Design: Planning Together for Student Success
[Session E: Wednesday - 1:45 PM - 3:15 PM]
Join our interactive session for hands-on collaboration on effective lesson planning with Carnegie Learning resources. Discover a tailored planning process to meet your students' needs and collaborate with grade-level teachers from across the country to plan a lesson.
Participants will be able to:- Apply the creative process of planning an engaging lesson that will support the diverse needs in your classroom.
- Creatively plan an engaging lesson.
Launch a Love for MATHia Days with Powerful Planning
[Session A: Tuesday - 10:30 AM-12:00 PM]
Immerse yourself in the excitement as we embark on a journey to supercharge your MATHia days! This session invites teachers to plunge into the world of Carnegie Learning resources, revolutionizing your planning and delivery of engaging MATHia days. Our mission? Empower teachers through available resources and the seamless integration needed for future MATHia Day success. Get ready to collaborate, share ideas, and collectively plan for the school year ahead.
Participants will be able to:- Make connections on how MATHbook and MATHia work in sync to empower students with the perfect union of learning experiences.
- Implement a MATHia day focusing on vocabulary and learning goals.
Being Creative with Your Carnegie Learning Resources
[Session B: Tuesday - 1:15 PM - 2:45 PM]
How do you take your Carnegie Learning resources to the next level? Through experience and application, dive into a creative approach to lesson planning with warm-ups, review problems, lesson features, and integrating MATHia problems. Tap into the full potential of the teacher implementation guide and depart with exciting and practical ideas to enhance your teaching with students this upcoming year.
Participants will be able to:- Create lesson plans for a successful multi-day lesson using Carnegie Learning Resources.
- Apply strategies to incorporate MATHia problems into lessons in new ways.
- Utilize the CL resources to assist in chunking lessons and planning questions.
Notice and Wonder: Supporting Student Problem Solving and Discussion
[Session C: Wednesday 8:45 AM- 10:15 AM]
Facing challenges in fostering math discussions among your students? This session offers practical applications to kickstart your classroom discourse journey. Dive into Carnegie Learning lessons for insights on incorporating research-based strategies. Discover opportunities for enhanced mathematical discourse and improved accessibility in your classroom.
Participants will be able to:- Apply discourse strategies when checking for students' understanding before, during, and at the end of a MATHbook or MATHia day.
- Utilize the Carnegie Learning resources to plan opportunities for accessibility, assessment and discussion.
A Week in the Life: Balancing MATHia and MATHbook for Cohesive Learning
[Session E: Wednesday - 1:45 PM - 3:15 PM ]
Join a professional learning session designed for teachers to harness the power of the Teacher's Implementation Guide in planning a week of engaging lessons from MATHbook and MATHia. Join us to explore effective strategies for integrating resources seamlessly, ensuring a well-rounded approach to mathematics instruction.
- Design a week-long lesson plan that encompasses cohesive learning and leverages all Carnegie Learning resources for effective instruction.
- Use the components of the TIG for MATHbook and MATHia work in sync to empower students with the perfect union of learning experiences.
Unlocking Understanding: Exploring Effective Learning Assessment Strategies
[Session A: Tuesday - 10:30 AM-12:00 PM]
Are you spending too much time on reteaching? Is your student data not meeting your expectations? Join us in an exploration of formative data and available tools, that can be found right in the Carnegie Learning resources. Engage and plan effective strategies for leveraging this data to boost and fast-track student learning.
Participants will be able to:- Apply tools that are available for formative assessment
- Create formative assessment from the Carnegie Learning resources.
- Identify student needs based on formative assessment data collecting using Carnegie Learning resources.
Cultivating Engagement: Utilizing MATHia Reports to Drive Student Success
[Session B: Tuesday - 1:15 PM - 2:45 PM]
Facing challenges with student engagement on MATHia days? Join this session tailored for current MATHia users to explore the details of MATHia Class and Student Reports. Discover effective strategies for utilizing data to boost student output. Collaborate, develop, and refine your own approaches to bring back valuable insights to your classroom, ensuring you make the most out of MATHia!
Participants will be able to:- Create and maintain an effective MATHia session by highlighting best practices to impact student learning.
- Utilize MATHia reports to influence student motivation and engagement with MATHia.
Collaborate to Elevate: Crafting Engaging Classroom Experiences Together
[Session C: Wednesday 8:45 AM- 10:15 AM]
How can you make the math dance off the pages? How will you bring some sparkle to the lessons by adding your individual teacher flair? Come explore how to utilize collaborative strategies within your Carnegie Learning resources to take the lessons off the page, get your students out of their seats, and build collaboration around mathematics.
Participants will be able to:- Describe how collaborative structure enhances the learning environment for students.
- Plan and adapt collaborative structures for your classroom to increase engagement.
Fostering Success: Strategic Stations for Differentiation
[Session D: Wednesday - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM ]
In this session, participants will learn how to implement best practices of differentiation with station rotations in a Carnegie Learning math classroom. Explore the effective utilization of data to create student groups, a model for delivering content with impact, and innovative ideas for swiftly regrouping to sustain the learning momentum. Additionally, discover strategies for easy planning and seamless execution of station activities.
Participants will be able to:- Describe how differentiated stations enhance the learning environment for students
- Plan and implement differentiated stations.
- Apply strategies for utilizing data to thoughtfully group students for station rotations.
Exploring MATHia's Potential: A Station-Based Approach to Mathematical Success
[Session E: Wednesday - 1:45 PM - 3:15 PM]
Embark on a journey to enhance MATHia! Explore methods to guide your students towards independent learning and foster a collaborative classroom. Investigate facilitation and differentiation strategies using station rotations to address diverse student needs. By the end, you'll leave with a map of strategies to help your students succeed in MATHia.
Participants will be able to:- Plan and facilitate MATHia station rotations.
- Analyze and apply strategies to encourage engagement and collaboration in MATHia.
Let Me Hear It! Experience a ClearMath Elementary Classroom Firsthand!
[Session A: Tuesday - 10:30 AM-12:00 PM]
New to ClearMath Elementary? Come play, think, and learn together with Carnegie Learning’s new core math elementary product! We will explore strategies that build on students’ natural intellectual curiosity, using play and student discourse to build conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, and productive habits of mind.
Participants will be able to:- Re-imagine the math classroom as a place where meaningful play taps into young learners’ curiosity and ignites a joy of learning.
- Create formative assessment from the Carnegie Learning resources.
- Reflect on the essential skills and abilities we aim for elementary students to cultivate
Play Together. Think Together. Learn Together: ClearMath Elementary
[Session B: Tuesday - 1:15 PM - 2:45 PM]
Put on both your student and teacher hats for this session! Immerse yourself in a ClearMath demonstration lesson as a student where every moment promises inspiration, innovation, and an unforgettable journey in the classroom. Later, switch to your teacher hat to analyze the facilitator's role, teacher moves, and their impact on student learning.
Participants will be able to:- Embrace the energetic and engaging environment characteristics of a ClearMath Elementary classroom.
- Reflect on the outcomes of different teacher facilitation strategies and the influence on student learning.
Get an A for play with MATHia Adventure
[Session D: Wednesday - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM ]
Number sense and fluency are the building blocks for students’ mathematical thinking, and MATHia Adventure has you covered! Join this session to see how MATHia Adventure can amp up the fun in your classroom while your students develop the numeracy skills they need to succeed. You’ll explore MATHia Adventure games, see how to analyze data reports and learn how to access additional resources from reports to support student development.
Participants will be able to:- Create a dynamic and engaging classroom to enhance students' number sense and fluency.
- Facilitate learning center activities using MATHia Adventure.
Keeping Up, Not Catching Up: Reengagement Lessons
[Session E: Wednesday - 1:45 PM - 3:15 PM]
Meeting the needs of various learners in the classroom requires more than an occasional differentiation suggestion. In this session, you will experience elementary resources that include intentional re-engagement, where students pause and reflect on their learning. You will learn how teachers can use data to meet students where they are and clarify, solidify, or extend their understandings.
- Incorporate intentional re-engagement, allowing students to pause and reflect on their learning experiences.
- Use data to implement effective strategies for meeting the diverse needs of learners in the classroom.
Small but Mighty Groups
[Session A: Tuesday - 10:30 AM-12:00 PM]
Join us to enhance your understanding of small group instruction. Engage in brainstorming sessions to tackle fears and explore strategies that turn every small group interaction into a powerful and effective learning experience.
Participants will be able to:- Refine your definition of small group instruction.
- Evaluate and apply a variety of tools and strategies tailored for small group instruction.
Mixing It Up!: How Differentiation Sparks Success for Every Learner!
[Session B: Tuesday - 1:15 PM - 2:45 PM]
Let's break down the walls of traditional teaching. Join us in discovering how to mix it up with differentiation strategies that resonate with every learner, creating a vibrant path to success for all.
Participants will be able to:- Define differentiation and distinguish what it is and isn’t
- Identify differentiation in content, process, and product.
- Adapt differentiated solutions to support diverse student needs in the classroom.
"Keep It, Change It, Rearrange It: Differentiated Tasks That Work for All Learners
[Session C: Wednesday - 8:45 AM - 10:15 AM ]
Struggling to adapt tasks for diverse and special populations in your classroom? Join us to better understand student needs and kickstart creating differentiated tasks for all learners.
Participants will be able to:- Understand strategies for supporting special populations.
- Develop differentiated tasks based on student needs.
Charting Your Course: Navigating Personalized Instruction with Data!
[Session D: Wednesday - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM]
Meeting the needs of various learners in the classroom requires more than an occasional differentiation suggestion. In this session, you will experience elementary resources that include intentional re-engagement, where students pause and reflect on their learning. You will learn how teachers can use data to meet students where they are and clarify, solidify, or extend their understandings.
- Incorporate intentional re-engagement, allowing students to pause and reflect on their learning experiences.
- Use data to implement effective strategies for meeting the diverse needs of learners in the classroom.
Humanizing Mathematics
[Session A: Tuesday - 10:30 AM-12:00 PM]
Discover how to reignite students' curiosity and create an inclusive math classroom where every learner can flourish. Participants will actively explore different perspectives on humanizing mathematics through discussions on definitions, tasks, and effective strategies. Join us in this interactive session to uncover opportunities for fostering engagement and joy in the world of math.
Participants will be able to:- Internalize a personal definition for humanizing mathematics along with an understanding of potential impacts on student learning
- Implement resources and strategies that can help to foster student joy and engagement in math.
Teaching Towards Equity
[Session D: Wednesday - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM ]
Are you concerned about students slipping through the cracks in our educational system? As a reflective practitioner eager to foster a more inclusive and equitable learning environment, this session equips you with tools and strategies to ensure every student, especially those marginalized, silenced, or excluded, feels valued and supported.
Participants will be able to:- Implement instructional strategies and practices that support an equitable math classroom by applying the Teaching for Robust Understanding (TRU) Framework.
- Understand the transformative impacts that strong student-teacher relationships can have within an equitable classroom setting.
Fraction Fiesta: Exploring Fraction Concepts and Representations
[Session A: Tuesday - 10:30 AM-12:00 PM]
Dive into the colorful world of fractions! Join us for some hands-on fun, building fraction concepts and getting creative with fraction models. Elevate your fraction skills, sharpen your reasoning, and have a blast refining your teaching practice in this lively session!
Participants will be able to:- Apply fraction concepts and different interpretations of fractions
- Determine fractional representations given parts of a whole
- Utilize multiple representations of fractions
Promoting Discourse Through Number Talks
[Session C: Wednesday 8:45 AM- 10:15 AM]
Number Talks are a valuable and fun classroom routine for building number sense, flexible thinking and procedural fluency. In this session, participants will explore and experience number talks and leave with strategies to lead engaging discussions that elevate math discourse for students.
Participants will be able to:- Reflect on the benefits of number talks for developing number sense and procedural fluency.
- Use number talk prompts for elementary students.
- Develop strategies to facilitate number talks that elicit meaningful student discourse.
It's All on the Line: The Power of Open Number Lines!
[Session D: Wednesday - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM ]
The power of the open number line is infinite! Engage with the open number line as a valuable and effective resource to support reasoning about numbers across the elementary curriculum. Join us as we dive into the exploration of numbers through a variety of interactive strategies.
Participants will be able to:- Use an open number line to support mathematics across elementary grade levels.
- Apply engaging strategies to strength students' reasoning about numbers
Task Exploration: Elevating Student Learning Experiences and Outcomes
[Session A: Tuesday - 10:30 AM-12:00 PM]
Dive into this mathematical task exploration as we define, solve, analyze, and compare tasks of varying complexities. Explore the impact of task difficulty on student achievement and gain insights into tailoring tasks to optimize learning outcomes. Don't miss this opportunity to elevate your approach to mathematical tasks. The content covered in this session will be suitable for middle and high school levels.
Participants will be able to:- Define mathematical tasks with clarity and purpose.
- Classify mathematical tasks of varying levels of difficulty.
- Evaluate the impact of different task difficulty levels on students' academic performance.
* This session is combined with the Middle School Instruction Track
Exploring Rates of Change
[Session B: Tuesday - 1:15 PM - 2:45 PM]
Embark on a dynamic journey with other educators as we chart the landscape of function families. Together, we'll craft graphs, unravel the secrets of rates of change, and forge new connections through tangible models. Join us for an exploration that promises depth and precision in understanding.
Participants will be able to:- Create visual representations for various function families.
- Utilize concrete models to model and analyze rates of change within various function families.
- Explain how rates of change are related within function families
Building Concrete Models with Algebra Tiles
[Session C: Wednesday 8:45 AM- 10:15 AM]
Let's dig out those algebra tiles from the back closet! Join us as we empower educators with effective teaching strategies using algebra tiles. Explore how these tactile tools can enhance students' understanding of algebraic expressions, equations, and polynomials while making connections between concrete algebraic concepts and abstract procedures. Elevate your teaching approach by bridging the gap between theory and practice and empower students to excel in algebra through this immersive learning experience.
Participants will be able to:- Demonstrate how algebra tiles connect student thinking to abstract algebraic procedures.
- Explain how algebra tiles foster students' comprehension of algebraic expressions, equations, and polynomials.
- Use algebra tiles as concrete models for enhanced teaching and student learning outcomes.
Tools of the Trade - Mastering Constructions
[Session E: Wednesday - 1:45 PM - 3:15 PM]
An engaging session that equips educators with the 'Tools of the Trade' for teaching geometry. Discover innovative ways to seamlessly connect concrete concepts to the abstract using a compass, straightedge, and patty paper. Gain practical insights and strategies to enhance geometry education and empower your students with a deeper understanding of geometric principles. Don't miss this opportunity to transform your teaching approach and make geometry come alive in the classroom!
Participants will be able to:- Confidently utilize constructions for exploring geometric properties.
- Use concrete models to reinforce understanding of abstract geometric concepts.
- Describe the perpendicular bisector theorem and its applications in geometry.
Don't Drop the Yogurt: The Balancing Act of Instructional Leadership and Management
[Session A: Tuesday - 10:30 AM-12:00 PM]
Principals have the daunting task of balancing our roles as school managers and instructional leaders. A walk down the hallway can result in an armload of new tasks to complete, some critical while others are just a cup of yogurt a teacher needs you to hold. We will share stories, brainstorm ideas, and develop strategies together that will help to balance these roles and keep student learning as the focus of our schools.
Participants will be able to:- Use strategies to find a balance between management and instructional leadership roles to have a positive impact on the school culture.
Strategic Leadership: Elevating Teaching Through MATHia Reports
[Session C: Wednesday 8:45 AM- 10:15 AM]
Leaders will learn how to use MATHia reports effectively as teachers implement Carnegie Learning Resources in math classrooms. We'll explore navigating the reporting system and discuss practical ways to guide instruction with these reports. The focus will also be on conducting data talks with teachers and brainstorming ideas for using the reports during student conferences. This session aims to equip leaders with the tools to support teachers and students in getting the most out of Carnegie Learning Resources.
Participants will be able to:
- Navigate the reporting system in MATHia to dig into school leadership reports and classroom reports.
- Interpret and utilize MATHia reports during data talks with classroom teachers.
- Use MATHia reports in conferences with students and families.
Guiding Teachers to Success: Crafting Supportive Environments
[Session D: Wednesday - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM ]
Dive into the dynamics of leadership styles within the context of fostering a school culture centered on high-quality instruction. In this session, we'll dissect the advantages and disadvantages of various leadership approaches, equipping you with insights to shape a thriving educational environment. Join us for a practical session empowering impactful leadership and enhanced instructional quality.
Participants will be able to:- Create and support a school culture of high-quality instruction by utilizing the strengths of their leadership style.
- Execute a plan to support staff in implementing high-quality instructional resources.
Hone Your Vision: Leading Through Year Two and Beyond
[Session E: Wednesday - 1:45 PM - 3:15 PM]
Leading through the evolving landscape of changes, especially in the initial year of implementing new instructional materials, can pose challenges. As a school leader, balancing stakeholder demands and addressing teacher and student instructional needs is crucial. Join this session to pinpoint key priorities, outline stakeholder roles, and create a targeted action plan. Refine your instructional vision for a successful second-year implementation and beyond.
Participants will be able to:- Continue the development and execution of an action plan to lead CL implementation into year 2.
Task Exploration: Elevating Student Learning Experiences and Outcomes
[Session A: Tuesday - 10:30 AM-12:00 PM]
Dive into this mathematical task exploration as we define, solve, analyze, and compare tasks of varying complexities. Explore the impact of task difficulty on student achievement and gain insights into tailoring tasks to optimize learning outcomes. Don't miss this opportunity to elevate your approach to mathematical tasks. The content covered in this session will be suitable for middle and high school levels.
Participants will be able to:- Define mathematical tasks with clarity and purpose.
- Classify mathematical tasks of varying levels of difficulty.
- Evaluate the impact of different task difficulty levels on students' academic performance.
* This session is combined with the High School Instruction Track
Blocks of Brilliance
[Session B: Tuesday - 1:15 PM - 2:45 PM]
Discover creative applications of pattern blocks beyond conventional fractions. This session, specifically for middle school math teachers, explores innovative strategies to enrich instruction and deepen students' mathematical understanding.
Participants will be able to:- Maximize the use of pattern blocks in your math lesson.
- Provide students with a tool to connect concrete and abstract concepts.
The Evolution of Expressions and Equations
[Session C: Wednesday 8:45 AM- 10:15 AM]
Delve into the coherence and progression of expression and equation standards to enhance instructional strategies and foster a more comprehensive understanding across grade levels.
Participants will be able to:- Understand the vertical progression of expressions and equations from the middle school teacher lens.
- Plan future math lessons with a deeper understanding of expressions and equations.
Proportions Unleashed
[Session E: Wednesday - 1:45 PM - 3:15 PM]
Embark on an in-depth investigation of proportion standards and the seamless progression and interconnectedness throughout the middle school grade levels.
Participants will be able to:- Comprehend the vertical progression of proportions through the perspective of a middle school teacher.
- Craft upcoming math lessons with a deeper understanding of proportions.
Finding Your Why for Coaching: Coaching, Collaborating, and Consulting
[Session A: Tuesday - 10:30 AM-12:00 PM]
In this session, coaches will develop a clear stance and vision for coaching by exploring the three roles. Participants will explore the differences between coaching, collaborating, and consulting and the purposes for each role. Coaches will leave the session with more self-awareness around coaching and building trust.
Participants will be able to:- Identify key attributes of an effective instructional coach and create a unified vision for their work.
- Describe the differences between coaching, collaborating, and consulting and the purposes for each.
- Acquire strategies for building trust with teachers.
Fine Tuning Your Coaching Skills
[Session B: Tuesday - 1:15 PM - 2:45 PM]
A critical set of skills for coaches to build trust includes building knowledge and practices around listening, paraphrasing, and asking powerful questions to enhance coaching conversations. In this session, participants will redefine their understanding of these three key skills in an engaging and dare we say fun way.
Participants will be able to:- Acquire strategies for building trust with teachers.
- Develop and apply the skills of listening, paraphrasing and asking powerful questions to enhance coaching conversations.
The Planning Phase of the Coaching Cycle
[Session D: Wednesday - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM ]
In the Planning phase of the Coaching Cycle, the key is setting goals for the upcoming lesson and clarifying the coach's role. Participants will analyze a coaching conversation to identify questions and coach moves they observe. Participants will also observe and implement a variety of questioning strategies to identify specific focus areas, depending on the teacher’s prior experience, knowledge, and relationship with the coach.
Participants will be able to:- Apply the coaching cycle focused on planning.
- Develop and implement the skills of listening, paraphrasing and asking powerful questions to enhance coaching conversations
The Reflecting Phase of the Coaching Cycle
[Session E: Wednesday - 1:45 PM - 3:15 PM]
The keys to an effective reflection conversation are the questions and prompts that the coach uses and the teacher’s willingness to engage with the coach. Participants will analyze a coaching conversation to identify questions and coach moves they observe. Participants will then explore the types of questions the coach used, practice a reflection conversation, and consider implications for their work as they return to their coaching roles.
Participants will be able to:- Apply the coaching cycle focused on reflecting
- Develop and implement the skills of listening, paraphrasing and asking powerful questions to enhance coaching conversations
- Share a unified vision of coaching
Creating a Culture of Vulnerability
[Session C: Wednesday 8:45 AM- 10:15 AM]
Vulnerability is not a weakness, it’s our most accurate measure of courage. In this session, we will explore ways to create a space in our schools and classrooms where teachers and students can walk in, take off their layers of armor, be their true authentic selves, stay curious and take risks.
Participants will be able to:- Articulate the connection between vulnerability, courage and mistakes and their importance within a math classroom.
- Adapt and implement classroom activities that create a safe space for students to engage with vulnerability.
Move Your Body, Grow Your Brain
[Session A: Tuesday - 10:30 AM-12:00 PM]
Dare to STEP into an exploration of how our primary drive to move, wires our brain's readiness and ability to learn! We'll experience facilitation strategies that are backed by science and designed to create math moments that last.
Participants will be able to:- Leverage the science behind movement and neuroplasticity to regularly enhance the learning experience
- Reflect on the value of adding movement as a classroom staple
Productive Struggle is Real and We're Here For It!
[Session B: Tuesday - 1:15 PM - 2:45 PM]
Let’s rewrite the narrative around struggle in the math classroom (here’s a hint: when done right, it’s a great thing!). Research shows that productive struggle benefits learning in countless ways and we know your students have it in them to do amazing things. In this session, you’ll experience facilitation strategies designed to challenge and empower your students.
Participants will be able to:- Identify characteristics of productive and unproductive struggle
- Reflect on productive struggle and growth mindset as teaching strategies
Stop Mimicking, Start Thinking
[Session D: Wednesday - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM ]
Interested in learning more about Building Thinking Classrooms from Peter Liljedahal? Experience the beginning elements behind a Building Thinking Classroom and gain practical tools to deepen mathematical learning.
Participants will be able to:- Gain an understanding of how the Building Thinking Classroom can transform your classroom.
- Apply the beginning elements of the Building Thinking Classroom.
Stop Assuming, Start Building
[Session D: Wednesday - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM ]
Ready to take your curriculum and turn it into Building Thinking Classroom tasks? Explore the art of how to craft thought-provoking tasks that will stimulate critical thinking and align seamlessly with your class curriculum.
Participants will be able to:- Use practical ways to take your current class curriculum and generate effective thinking tasks.
Collaboration From the Jump
[Session E: Wednesday - 1:45 PM - 3:15 PM]
Calling out all minglers and wannabees! Come network with us in a low-stakes, high-yield environment. We'll experience collaborative strategies that foster community and thinking so you can launch on your first day of class and for the rest of the year.
Participants will be able to:- Understand the value and components of a collaborative classroom
- Draft a plan to implement on the first few days of school
Bringing Lessons to Life for Multilingual Learners
[Session A: Tuesday - 10:30 AM-12:00 PM]
Join us as we explore the effective use of digital manipulatives, tools, anchor charts, and additional resources to invigorate and enrich mathematics learning for our Multilingual Learners.
Participants will be able to:- Utilize digital manipulatives and tools to enhance math learning experiences for Multilingual Learners
- Implement a planning process to intentionally support Multilingual Learners.
Our Equation Includes Everyone: Positioning Multilingual Learners in Mathematics
[Session B: Tuesday - 1:15 PM - 2:45 PM]
Imagine a math classroom where all students see themselves as competent and valued contributors to the learning community! This session will explore the crucial role of positioning in fostering success for multilingual learners, and participants will learn to analyze student work through an asset-based lens, ensuring that our equation truly includes everyone.
Participants will be able to:- Describe positioning and the role it plays in student success in the classroom.
- Utilize an asset-based approach to analyze student work.
We Don't Talk About Bruno (but We Do Talk About Math!)
[Session D: Wednesday - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM ]
Exploring ways to foster meaningful discourse among your Multilingual Learners? Look no further! This session will dive into techniques for engaging students in productive mathematical discussions that uncover their understandings. Take away valuable strategies to enrich your toolbox and empower multilingual learners in classroom discourse.
Participants will be able to:- Utilize a variety of strategies to empower multilingual learners to engage in mathematical discussions.
- Leverage supports in the Carnegie Learning Resources to drive multilingual learner engagement.
Math Beyond Words: Cultivating Participation for Multilingual Learners
[Session E: Wednesday - 1:45 PM - 3:15 PM]
Join us for an interactive workshop designed to enhance your mathematics teaching toolkit for Multilingual Learners (MLLs). Walk away with practical skills and strategies to empower both you and your MLLs on their educational journey.
Participants will be able to:- Plan and implement teaching moves to promote participation for Multilingual Learners.
- Incorporate instructional strategies that increase student discourse in mathematics.
The Carnegie Learning AI Story
[Session B: Tuesday - 1:15 PM - 2:45 PM]
In this interactive session, we will explore the future of Artificial Intelligence in education. We will explore the opportunities that Artificial Intelligence presents to teachers in the classroom as well as issues of trust, safety, and privacy. Come get a firsthand view of the newest research that Carnegie Learning’s Research & Development teams are engaged in around generative AI. And, reflect on your thoughts and concerns around AI in education with fellow educators.
Participants will be able to:- Enhance their comfort level with AI.
- Understand Carnegie Learning’s AI past and the plan for the future.
MATHstream: A Revolution in Math Education
[Session C: Wednesday 8:45 AM- 10:15 AM]
Come discover the formula that makes MATHstream different. In this session, we will dig into how MATHstream furthers your reach with your students by providing additional opportunities for students to engage with rockstar math teachers while engaging in individualized learning experiences. Dive into the many ways you can incorporate MATHstream into your classroom.
- Explain how MATHstream can be used as a re-engagement and learning tool.
- Identify the key features of the MATHstream student experience.
- Implement MATHstream as a re-engagement and learning tool.
transportation information
- Arrival Transportation Information (Love Field/DAL)
- Arrival Transportation Information (DFW)
- Arrival Transportation Information (Driving)
Arrivals into Love Field Airport/DAL
Monday july 8, 2024
Carnegie Learning will provide a shuttle from the Dallas Love Field Airport to the Omni PGA Frisco Resort for arrivals on Monday, July 8th only. If you are traveling with your family., they are welcome to join you on the shuttle.
To find the shuttle:
- Exit airport security, go down the escalator towards baggage claim and look for a a team member holding a "Carnegie Learning TNI" sign.
- They will provide directions to secure your luggage from baggage claim (if necessary)
- A team member will escort you to the shuttle
The shuttle(s) will depart Love Field:
- 10:45 AM
- 12:45 PM
Questions before or upon arrival?
Reach out directly to our transportation team at 773-774-2020
Flight delays or cancellations?
If your flight is significantly delayed or cancelled, please reach out to for further directions.
Arrivals into DFW Airport
Monday july 8, 2024
General Attendee participants arriving at DFW should:
- Secure a ride in your preferred ride share (Uber/Lyft) or taxi from the airport to the Omni PGA Frisco Resort (4341 PGA Pkwy, Frisco, TX 75033).
- Download the receipt.
- Submit for reimbursement (Reimbursement form will be available starting July 8, 2024).
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to the Institutes team at OR by calling (610)389-9941.
Arrivals if you are driving
Monday july 8, 2024
There is complimentary self-parking at the Omni PGA Frisco Resort if you elected to drive to the Institute rather than fly.
When you arrive at the property, a member of the hotel staff can assist you in finding the parking garage if you require assistance.