Explore MATHia
The 1-to-1 math coach that makes your life easier.
Give your students a successful math experience, while you get all the real-time feedback and assessments you need to understand where they’re at and where they’re headed. Check out the MATHia student demos below to experience how closely it mirrors the power of a 1-to-1 math coach.
MATHia’s detailed reporting lets you see your students’ progress towards mastery and projected outcomes, skill by skill, at the individual, class, or school levels.
Effectively manage your students in MATHia at all times. LiveLab, our live facilitation tool, provides in-the-moment, actionable data, such as when students are working or idle.
LiveLab Overview VideoWhy Teachers Love LiveLab
Designed to engage middle schoolers, but engineered to
ensure the learning engine drives the instruction.
Includes modules spanning grades 6–8, including Algebra
I, plus RTI support.
The clean, modern interface designed specifically for
high school students is intuitive and simple.
Covers Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, and Integrated
Math I-III, including RTI support.
Integrated Pathway MATHia Demo
Explore our Middle School and High School Math Solutions which includes a powerful blend of consumable textbooks and MATHia to provide everything you need for 180 days of math instruction.
Experience the Full CurriculumWelcome!
Since 2018, Carnegie Learning and EMC School have been united by the shared mission to shape the future of learning. Now, you’ll find the same world languages, ELA, literacy, and applied sciences programs you love all in one place.
Come on in, and explore the new site.